Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
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Text File
115 lines
Albert Baggetta
Version 1.0
"Flexi-Sort" is a rather unusual sort program in that it allows an
assortment of ways to catalog your ASCII files. It is especially useful
to sort lists of names and places, but it can produce some unusual re-
sults on a variety of ASCII files. Do not use it with other types of
files since the outcome is rather unpredictable.
Most sorts give you the ability to sort simply in Ascending or
Descending order. So it is with "Flexi-Sort" if that is all you want to
do. But "Flexi-Sort" also allows you to choose the lines to sort.
As the program stands at present you may sort on all lines, every
other line only, every third, fourth or fifth line; perhaps in the future
I will expand this capability. In addition, you can also select an
initial line character to sort on. Perhaps you want to sort all of the
names that begin with S, for example.
These features may be used separately or in combination, allowing
a large number of possibilities. Experimentation and necessity will
determine how you will use the program.
First of all you will need an ASCII file (done on a text editor or
word processor that can save ASCII). This might be a list of names,
games, celebrities, teams, etc. (Actually any text file that ends its
with a RETURN is sortable.) Try the NAMES.ASC, included.
Save this to a disk, using an .ASC extender to keep the record
straight. Copy this file on the main directory along with SORTER.PRG.
Boot up the program (it only runs in Medium Resolution at present).
You will be presented with a large menu box which is mouse sensitive.
The two ATARI logo's ask for a donation for this shareware
product. Names will be kept on file for future updates and information.
Click on these to read.
The first order of business is to decided the increment of lines
you want to sort. (I presume you already have this in mind.) If you
want to sort the whole list, click with the mouse pointer on box #1.
Clicking on box #2 will only sort every other line; box #3, every third
line.... need I go on?
If you select a box and change your mind, simply click the box
again and make another choice. You must choose one of these to sort.
Next decide whether your list will be sorted in Ascending or
Descending order. Click the same as above. You must select here, too.
Next item down the menu, choose a character to sort on. This
will be the first character in each line. The program will disregard
any other lines not starting with this character, so choose carefully.
If you want to do all of the lines, leave the scroll bar at ALL. This
is the default. To scroll up or down the list of characters available,
click hold on the appropriate set of arrows.
When all of these decisions have been made, it is time to sort.
Click on START and a file selector box will ask you for the name of the
ASC file you want to sort. Double click on it, or hit RETURN after
highlighting it, and the Sort process will begin. The program is fast,
so a short list will be done in the blink of an eye.
When you are done, click on SAVE and the new, sorted file will be
saved to disk as SORTED.ASC (pretty ingenious name, huh?).
By clicking on START again, you can repeat the program, in case you
screwed up the process -- wrong combination of increment, order, etc. Or
you might simply want to do another file. BE WARNED here that if you do
another file, save it to another disk, because all sorted files are saved
under the same name. (I'll tell you how to get around this later.)
If you want to see the sorted file. Click on QUIT. A fancy ending
will flash on screen and you will be sent back to the desktop.
Load the SORTED.ASC file into your word processor (or take a peek
at it with the PRINT option from the desktop). From here you can print
or modify the file for future use.
This is a shareware product. I am asking a small payment of $5.00
for my work. This does several things. It encourages me to write more
programs for the Atari ST. Covers expenses. Sets you up for updates
and other information.
Send a disk along with the $5.00 and I will return it with a
version of the program that allows a SAVE of the sorted files under other
names, so that you can do numerous files with one boot, on one disk.
I have tested the program to some extent and have not encountered
any problems with it. I cannot however, be responsible for any damage
done to your software, hardware, etc. associated with the use of this
program. As in all cases, save your work on backup disks before trying
new programs.
Any comments, suggestions, bug discoveries, etc. are welcome, also.
Please send any of the above to:
Albert Baggetta
P.O. Box 351
Feeding Hills, MA 01001